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The past
points to the

Photo: Eric Korenman

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Restoring, staffing, and managing the Lenox Meeting House relies on funding from many sources, public and private, from individuals and foundations. Our small team of ""Friends" has been successful in writing grants to the Lenox's Community Preservation Committee and has applied to "Mass Historic" and other local funding sources.


We also rely on individual gifts, happily receiving gifts of any amount, from the largest to date, at $225,000, to the good will offering following a community event.


  If you would like to make a contribution to this effort, please contact the Friends by calling the office of the Church on the Hill at 413-637-3395 or by sending an email to You could also mail a check made out to "Friends of the Lenox Meeting House" or "FLMH"  to 55 Main Street, Lenox MA 01240, or donate by way of the button below or in the header of this website. 

About Us
Church on the Hill, UCC
The Friends of the Lenox Meeting House is a 501(c)(3) devoted to the preservation and management of the historic meeting house of Lenox village.
Mailing Address: 

55 Main Street
Lenox MA 01240


The Lenox Meeting House operates under the auspices of the Church on the Hill, a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, which worships at 11 AM on Sundays in the meeting house and has its offices at 55 Main Street.

Church on the Hill
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